Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Importance of Foot Care?

Foot care should be an essential part of managing your overall health. Incorporating ongoing routine foot care ensures a more balanced lifestyle, which is critical to staying active. Be sure to see a Chiropodist as part of your overall health management regimen.


What are the benefits of seeing a Chiropodist/Podiatrist?

Chiropodists/Podiatrists are trained medical professionals that specialize in the treatment of feet. As such, chiropodists/podiatrists offer more thorough foot exams, higher standards of infection control, specialization in soft tissue surgeries, and the ability to prescribe medication, if necessary. This high quality of foot care enables an active lifestyle and contributes to an improved level of health and wellness.


Does OHIP/RAMQ cover my initial visit?

Chiropody/Podiatry services are not currently covered under OHIP/RAMQ, however, most extended health benefit plans cover Chiropody/Podiatry services and orthopaedic devices. We would be happy to assist you in determining what your insurance plan covers.


Do I require a referral?

No, we do not require a referral for an initial assessment or treatment. However, if you have extended health benefits, you should consult your insurance provider for details regarding your plan as some companies require that you have a referral dated prior to your initial assessment.


What is included in an Initial Consultation appointment?

  • A full medical history of health
  • A review of the patient’s chief complaint
  • A full foot examination pertaining to the patient’s chief complaint
  • A treatment for the chief complaint
  • A follow-up management plan and education


How often should I get my feet checked?

Many people believe that there is no need to get a foot exam since they do not have any issues with their feet. However, The Canadian Diabetes Association recommends for patients with diabetes to have an annual foot examination, as it greatly reduces the risk of foot complications.

Children, seniors, and anyone who has diabetes, should get their feet examined annually. As soon as you notice any change in your foot health, you should book a comprehensive foot exam with one of our chiropodists.


A foot exam performed by an LMC Chiropodist/Podiatrist looks at the entire foot health and ensures the proper treatment based off your specific needs. Book by phone: 1.844.LMC.FOOT (1.844.562.3668). email: [email protected], or click the BOOK NOW button below